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John Register

  • Paralympic Medalist
  • Gulf War Veteran
  • Helps Clients Amputate their Fears and Embrace Their New Normal
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John Register is relevant, NOW! For organizations on the brink of transformation, looking to rally their teams and overcome current challenges, John Register represents a unique and compelling opportunity. John Register is a certified speaking professional and is one of the top 50 Global Leadership Speakers in the world. His approach goes beyond mere speeches...

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John Register is relevant, NOW! For organizations on the brink of transformation, looking to rally their teams and overcome current challenges, John Register represents a unique and compelling opportunity. John Register is a certified speaking professional and is one of the top 50 Global Leadership Speakers in the world. His approach goes beyond mere speeches about overcoming adversity; he demonstrates resilience and lessons learned from walking through the fires of life’s toughest moments.

Inspirational leaders face not just the uncertainty of changing times but also the resistance from employees wary of reverting to pre-pandemic norms. Common complaints include feelings of being overwhelmed, burned out, anxious, and exhausted. In this new era, as John articulates, a
return to the “normal” we once knew is impossible.

John Register doesn’t merely talk about resilience and transformation; he lives these principles every step of the way. His journey is a masterclass in turning adversity into triumph. From being an award-winning speaker to a catalyst for change, John’s life story inspires everyone he meets from U.S. Presidents and Foreign dignitaries to celebrities and C-Suite executives.

John’s story is one of remarkable triumph over adversity. As a celebrated athlete, Persian Gulf War U.S. Army veteran, amputee, and Paralympic silver medalist, John has faced and overcome unimaginable challenges. His athletic career faced a pivotal moment with a severe injury leading to the amputation of his left leg. However, John chose not to be defined by this incident, instead redefining victory itself. By embracing a “new normal mindset” he not only returned to competitive sports but also achieved Paralympic glory, forever marking his place in sports history.

John’s spirit has extended far beyond the track. He founded the U.S. Olympic Committee Paralympic Military Sports Program, inspiring the creation of the Department of Defense’s Warrior Games and Prince Harry's Invictus Games. This initiative reflects his unwavering commitment to uplifting those facing their darkest moments.

With a wealth of experience advising U.S. Secretaries of State on foreign policy and leading the Amputee Coalition as the acting CEO, John stands as a guiding figure for leaders everywhere. His narrative, characterized by overcoming adversity, resilience, and the courage to push beyond limitations, engages audiences through his transformative model encompassing The Reckoning, the ReVision, and the Renewal. His prestigious Certified Speaker Designation places him among the elite speakers worldwide, a recognition earned by less than 10% in the field.

John’s insights on leadership and overcoming adversity are not just theoretical but are drawn from his lived experiences, as shared in his acclaimed book, “10 Stories to Impact Any Leader: Journal Your Way to Leadership Success.” These lessons, which were written to uplift U.S. Ambassadors at the beginning of the pandemic, are invaluable for anyone navigating the complexities of professional life with grace and determination.

Engaging John Register for your event is not merely about booking a keynote speaker; it’s about sparking a transformative shift. He encourages teams to confront their challenges head-on, cut away their fears, and strive for excellence in all areas of life.

Invite John Register to share his extraordinary journey at your next event. Let his transition from adversity to the pinnacle of Paralympic success inspire your team to see every challenge not as an obstacle but as a stepping stone toward greater achievements.

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John Register in Media

Speaker Programs

Amputate to Amplify: The Bold Strategy to Ahnihilate Fear
It seems as if there are so many reports that stress, burnout, and isolation have become the hidden adversaries of progress; how do we cut through the noise and transform adversity into our greatest advantage? ...more
It seems as if there are so many reports that stress, burnout, and isolation have become the hidden adversaries of progress; how do we cut through the noise and transform adversity into our greatest advantage? This question lies at the heart of an epidemic plaguing leaders and teams in today's high-stakes business environment. Despite efforts to bridge the gap, a profound perception divide persists, underscoring a critical disconnect between executive actions and employee realities. Enter Amputate to Amplify: How to Transform Adversity Into Advantage, a keynote designed to address this chasm and provide a potent solution. Come on a journey with award-winning keynote speaker John Register, CSP, who embodies resilience, transformation, and triumph. This presentation is a masterclass redefining the narrative of mental preparation and fortitude in the face of burnout, exhaustion, and extreme overwhelm. Why do leaders often miss the mark on acknowledging the severity of workplace mental health issues? How can they effectively close the perception gap that undermines the very fabric of a healthy, sustainable organizational culture? These pressing questions form the crux of a timely and necessary discourse. John Register's journey is nothing short of extraordinary. From an Olympic-class hurdler and Army combat veteran to becoming a Paralympic silver medalist following a life-altering amputation, John's narrative is a testament to the indomitable spirit of human will. His keynote draws from this wellspring of personal challenge and triumph, offering an actionable blueprint for navigating the tumultuous waters of uncertainty, stress, and anxiety. Through a compelling three-stage process—The Reckoning, the Revision, and the Renewal—John lays out a roadmap for embracing adversity as a catalyst for acknowledging our prior state, honoring our present situation, and committing to growth through innovation and adaptation. His approach dismantles the barriers of fear and resistance, urging leaders and employees alike to adopt a "new normal mindset" that views change not as a threat but as an invaluable opportunity. . ...less
Champions Mindset: Olympic Lessons for Business Success
Elite sports are a high-stakes world. Athletes are battling opponents and contending with the rigorous demands of mental preparation. This grueling journey involves overcoming isolation, loneliness, and the ever-looming specter of burnout. Imagine the relentless ...more
Elite sports are a high-stakes world. Athletes are battling opponents and contending with the rigorous demands of mental preparation. This grueling journey involves overcoming isolation, loneliness, and the ever-looming specter of burnout. Imagine the relentless pursuit of excellence, where the thin line between triumph and defeat is physical prowess and robust mental fortitude. The path to the podium is fraught with challenges that test every fiber of an athlete's being, requiring physical endurance and a resilient mindset equipped with strategies for prevention, reset, and recovery. Introducing Champions Mindset: Olympic Lessons for Business Success, a program where the gritty reality of athletic preparation meets the competitive business world. Led by keynote speaker John Register, a decorated athlete with an illustrious career spanning Olympic trials, All- American honors, and Paralympic victories, as well as corporate leadership expertise as a CEO of a multimillion-dollar non-profit organization, this session bridges the gap between the athletic arena and business success. John leverages his unique journey from Olympic hopeful to Paralympic medalist to corporate turnaround expert to shed light on the indispensable value of a preventive maintenance plan. Athletes, much like business leaders, must navigate the challenges of isolation and burnout with a steadfast recovery and refueling strategy. This program is designed to impart these critical lessons, translating elite sports' discipline, resilience, and recovery tactics into actionable strategies for business excellence. ...less
From Battlefield to Podium: Leveraging Military Precision for Paralympic and Business Triumphs
John Register is battle-tested in many ways. From the Desert of Iraq through the amputation of his leg to winning life's medals at the Paralympic Games, John's story or transformation impacts the military audience to ...more
John Register is battle-tested in many ways. From the Desert of Iraq through the amputation of his leg to winning life's medals at the Paralympic Games, John's story or transformation impacts the military audience to prepare for life's transitions.  The journey from military service to Paralympic success is a testament to discipline, resilience, and strategic thinking—qualities that define both the battlefield and the sports arena. John Register, a decorated veteran and Paralympic silver medalist, encapsulates these virtues.  As the founder of the Paralympic Military Sports Program and a seasoned Sports Envoy for the U.S. Department of State, John has mastered the art of transforming military precision into sports and business success. His From Battlefield to Podium session offers a unique perspective on utilizing military experiences to forge success in highly competitive environments, including the business sector. John's narrative is an extraordinary transformation—transitioning from an Olympic hopeful to a motivational leader in the Paralympic and corporate worlds. This program delves into his creation of the Paralympic Military Sports Program, illustrating how veterans can use sports as a powerful tool for recovery and personal growth. As a Global Sports Mentor and a masterclass deliverer, John emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and mentorship, which are critical components in military and corporate leadership. ...less
Add Bank To Your Bottom Line: The Business Case for People with Disabilities in the Workplace
In an era where diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are at the forefront of corporate agendas, there exists a pivotal yet often overlooked opportunity that champions social justice and significantly enhances business performance. This untapped ...more
In an era where diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are at the forefront of corporate agendas, there exists a pivotal yet often overlooked opportunity that champions social justice and significantly enhances business performance. This untapped potential lies within the disability community, a segment of the workforce that, despite possessing immense talent and determination, remains underrepresented and undervalued. John Register's keynote, Bank Your Bottom Line: The Business Case for People with Disabilities in the Workplace, illuminates this path, marrying moral imperative with strategic business advantage. Misconceptions and missed opportunities mar the narrative surrounding employment for people with disabilities. With an unemployment rate that starkly contrasts with that of the non-disabled population, the disparity not only highlights a social equity issue but also signals a vast reservoir of untapped potential within our labor market. This gap represents not a challenge but an opportunity for businesses to lead with innovation and inclusivity. John introduces a transformative concept: Innovatability. This principle transcends the traditional notion of overcoming adversity, advocating instead for adaptation and innovation as a means to harness the unique perspectives and abilities of individuals with disabilities. Innovatablity is the alchemy of adapting to challenges with creativity, thereby unlocking new avenues for productivity, engagement, and growth. ...less

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