Michael Eisner endorses "Disney U" by Doug Lipp

Applause for Disney U!

Michael Eisner, Stephen Cannon, Michael Abrashoff endorse Doug Lipp’s book.

Executives from Saks, Cheesecake Factory, and Bose share praise for Disney U!

“When I first arrived at The Walt Disney Company, I was surprised to find I had to go back to school – at Disney University! There, I learned the fundamentals of guest service that consistently gave Disney a tremendous advantage in the marketplace. Now, anyone can know these secrets of success thanks to Doug Lipp’s informative book. No matter what your business, the lessons taught at Disney University will prove invaluable.”
MICHAEL EISNER, Former CEO and Chairman of The Walt Disney Company  

“Leaders, whether at the helm of a ship or an organization, set the tone for engaging the hearts and minds of employees.  In Disney U, Doug Lipp shares how Disney has created a high performance culture where everyone takes ownership and responsibility. The numerous examples detailing the secrets behind the decades of success of the Disney University serve as a leadership blueprint, applicable in any organization.”  
CAPTAIN D. MICHAEL ABRASHOFF (Ret.) Former Commander, USS Benfold
Author, It’s Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy

“Doug Lipp shares terrific stories about Disney that underscore the importance of creating an organizational culture with an unwavering dedication to superlative service and exceptional quality, both for employees and customers.  He then takes it a step further by explaining how to bring these values to life for your organization.” 
CHRISTINE A. MORENA, Executive Vice President of Human Resources, Saks Incorporated

“Disney U does a masterful job of detailing how Disney has built a brand that transcends generations and cultures. Doug Lipp has created much more than the standard “how to” business book. Disney U provides numerous compelling, behind-the-scenes stories that bring to life Walt Disney’s timeless values of employee development, attention to detail and the relentless pursuit of quality. I highly recommend Disney U to anyone interested in building an enduring market presence and brand.”    
STEPHEN CANNON, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mercedes-Benz USA

“Van France and the Disney University team embody a famous Walt Disney quote, “The best is never the best.” Doug Lipp’s riveting narratives reveal how Van and other Disney visionaries set the stage for a world-class organization by skillfully balancing both ‘people’ and ‘technology.’”  
DEBI AUBEE, Vice President of Sales, Bose Corporation

Walt Disney and Van France were masters at creating employee education that was entertaining, memorable and effective. Although I’ve read many books about Disney, I’d never heard about Van France and his role in founding the iconic Disney University. Every leader should have the equivalent of a Van France at his or her side. Thanks to Doug Lipp, we can now tap into the brilliance of a man who helped Walt create The Happiest Place on Earth. 
DAVID OVERTON, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The Cheesecake Factory

About Doug Lipp

What is the magic of Disney? Join Doug as he takes you on an entertaining and insightful journey, “behind the scenes,” to discover both the secret of Disney’s success and how it and other organizations have overcome spectacular challenges. As an internationally acclaimed expert on customer service, leadership, change and global competitiveness for over 30 years, Doug has inspired and challenged over 1000 audiences and 200,000 individual attendees. His combination of high energy entertainment and thought-provoking lessons is contagious, motivating audiences around the world to maximize both personal and professional success.

Formerly the Head of Training at Disney’s Corporate Headquarters, Doug provided the famous Disney University “Traditions” program and developed leadership courses for Disney executives. Pivotal in Doug’s career with Disney was his experience in the mid-80’s when the corporate culture changed from the arrogant: “We’re the best; why change?” to the progressive: “Don’t rest on your laurels” powerhouse corporation that Disney remains today. Doug found that even strong organizations, like Disney, must embrace change and be willing to innovate.

Fluent in Japanese, Doug was on the start-up team for Tokyo Disneyland, Disney’s first international theme park. After leaving Disney, he co-founded, with a Stanford University professor, the Intercultural Relations Institute. Based upon his rich career at Disney, plus his work as an international consultant for some of the world’s most admired corporations and business leaders, Doug explores the strategic necessity of why all companies must now think globally, and act locally. Learn how companies such as IBM, Starbucks, Procter & Gamble, Siemens and Intel have benefited from those lessons.

He is the author of numerous articles and seven books on leadership, customer service and international business, including his two most popular: “The Changing Face of Today’s Customer: How to Attract and Retain a Diverse Customer and Employee Base.” With a foreword by renowned business leader Peter Ueberroth, head of the US Olympic Committee and Ken Blanchard of One Minute Manager fame, “The Changing Face” addresses how businesses can thrive in this era of cultural diversity and global competitiveness. Doug’s other most popular title is “Even Monkeys Fall from Trees: The Art and Science of Outstanding Customer Service” which focuses on a balanced approach to service, leadership and teamwork.

Doug customizes every keynote presentation or workshop to the client’s specific needs. Known across corporate America and around the world for his captivating and humorous story-telling style of delivery, Doug challenges his audience to take action and get results!

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