Machine Intelligence by Scott Klososky

“The past quarter has been [about] Machine Intelligence (sometimes asked for as Artificial Intelligence).  Two things important to note – Machine Intelligence is expanding quickly, and its impact on humankind will be vast.  I talk a lot about what the… Read more »

Afterburners Reach the Summit!

Looking to book a keynote speaker for your next Summit? This month, Afterburner keynote speaker, Joel “Thor” Neeb, used the same Flawless Execution methodology he speaks about on stage to reach the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro with valued clients. Check… Read more »

Reactions to Geoff Colvin’s Presentation

Geoff Colvin was “amazing”, “awesome”, “fantastic”, “wonderful” & more Geoff Colvin received survey results from two events he did for one of the world’s largest multinational professional services firms last month. Here are 91 comments from one of the event… Read more »

Conquer Scarcity Thinking by Tim Sanders

Tim Sanders helps audiences to learn how to lead, sell, and care more by laying out the foundation of teamwork – instead of scarcity. About Tim Sanders Internet pioneer and best-selling author, Tim Sanders advises Fortune 500 executives on leadership,… Read more »